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The Portrait

Fiction (14 min) — BRA, 2016 - CPB B1700573300000
Captura de Tela 2021-06-14 às 14.31.19.p


The friendship between two women and the difficult decision that one needs to make in the face of an unexpected request.



Carol Alves
Livia Oliveira
Sergio Mello
Lara Salinet
Raul Castanheira
Danilo Amadeu


Screenplay and direction: Jackeline Seglin
Executive producer: Guilherme Peraro
Production Director: Fernanda Trindade
Director of Photography and Editing: Allan Ferreira
Art Direction: Loraine Kavrokov Vieira, Nabila Haddad
Original soundtrack: Andianara Barbosa, Vitor Struck
Direction Assistants: Rafaela Pifer, Andianara Barbosa, Milliane Lauize
Continuist: Rafaela Pífer
Cast Preparation: Jackeline Seglin, Rafaela Pífer
Sound: Vitor Struck, William Araújo
Sound editing: Otavio Santos
Production Assistants: Nabila Haddad, Nivaldo Lino, William Araújo
Object Production: Loraine Kavrokov Vieira, Nabila Haddad, Fernanda Trindade
Camera Assistants: Andianara Barbosa, Nivaldo Lino
Editing assistant: Jenny Torres
Art Assistants: Fernanda Trindade, Jenny Torres
Costume design: Nabila Haddad, Loraine Kavrokov Vieira
Costume Designers: Fernanda Trindade, Jenny Torres
Hair and Makeup: Evelise Chaiben
Graphic project: Loraine Kavrokov Vieira
Production: Kinopus Audiovisual
Realization: Pitágoras College



Kinoarte Film Festival in Londrina - Udihara award for Best Film by Popular Jury of the short film "O Retrato" (The Portrait, 2016)

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