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O Jogo

Fiction (24 Ep) — BRA
Captura de Tela 2021-06-14 às 11.59.27.p


Exploring the world of illegal gambling, the “O Jogo” narrative is set against the backdrop of the tables of clandestine casinos informally known as 'tunguetes'. In order to pay off a big debt acquired by his older brother, the talented protagonist Daniel (aka Joker) is forced to enter clandestine tables in the poker underworld for fast cash. Daniel has a calculating personality and a special perception for playing cards, always observing the bodily reaction of his opponents. Through flashbacks, we discover the roots of Daniel's ambitious character and how this talent came about in dealing with all the people around him - as if he were moving pieces inside a chessboard. Starting a journey full of ups and downs, Daniel is always in the company of his brother Chelo (a recognized scammer) and his childhood friends Gordo and Zóio, who have important roles in the plot and in the life of the protagonist. Soon they will discover a fundamental rule within this universe that flirts with illegality and crime: the greater the gains, the greater the risks.


Target audience: Young adult
Duration: 3 seasons (forecast) of 8 episodes of 26 minutes each


Screenplay: Rafael Ceribelli
Production: Guilherme Peraroo

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